Factor smarter and save with 1.0% rates
Savings are built into the factoring platform so you can save while factoring.
1.0% factoring on
Outgo Card1 Purchases
1.0% factoring when you wait
When you choose to factor, you're charged an industry-low factoring fee, but if you decide not to factor, at Day 30 your rate drops to 1%.
Factoring with Outgo is flexible so you can spend smarter and save
How it works
Funds are added to your spending power
Rather than automatically factoring all of your invoices immediately, your funds are available for you to spend on-demand.
Spend these funds on-demand how and when you want
Because factoring is on-demand, you’re not charged a fee until you choose to spend. This way you’re in control of how you factor so you can get the best rate.
Your max rate is determined by your monthly invoicing volume
We pick the best invoice so you can save
When you make a transaction – we always assume you don’t want to factor and we always pick the best invoice to factor so you can unlock the most savings.
Unlock savings based on how and when you factor
Factor on-demand from your factorable funds with your Outgo Card1 and your rate drops to 1%
The Outgo Card1 isn’t the only way to lower your rate to 1.0%
Wait till day 30 and your funds are automatically factored at 1.0%, guaranteed.
Drop your factoring rate to 1.0% on Outgo Card purchases and save on every purchase.
You may cancel our agreement at any time and we require a 15-day notice. To cancel, you’ll need to either buy out any invoices that we’ve processed on your behalf, or work with another factoring company to buy them out.
We will work with any factoring company to make your transition as easy as possible. We’ll even help you review your new contract with them. We’re always looking out for you, even if you decide to cancel your account with Outgo.

Get the platform built so you factor less
With Outgo, factoring fees are charged when you spend – so you can save with every transaction.